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To Read and proofread

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To Read and proofread

What is Proofreading?

In simple words, proofreading is the task of going through a document carefully to locate errors and faults that could be typographical, grammatical, spelling or it could also be errors pertaining to the incongruity of language, style, and format of the document. Elaborately speaking, proofreading is undertaken to verify and correct the accuracy of a document by obliterating errors.

It is the onus of the proofreader to  highlight any inadvertent error and forward the said document to the  source for correction. However, the task of the proofreader does not  end here; the corrected document once again finds its way to the  proofreader to ensure that all the suggested corrections have been  incorporated into the document. This is an ongoing process till  such time that the document is free from all errors. Proofreading is  not just restricted to a specific type of document, it could be anything.  It could either be a manuscript, a printed brochure, a textbook, website  content, white paper, case study etc. Basically, the role of the  proofreader would be to rectify any and everything that contains text.